Elspeth Banks


Elspeth Banks was a secondary school headteacher in Scotland. First diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma in 1996 followed by several recurrences, Elspeth herself lives with the long-term consequences of cancer treatment and has been involved in cancer research since her retirement in 2011. Her interests include membership of various research groups at the Glasgow Oncology Clinical Trials Unit where she chairs the Clinical Trials PPI Oversight Group.She is PPI Lead on the Glasgow ECMC Project Team and is a member of the ECMC Network Patient Involvement Group. Her other interests include Independent Cancer Patients’ Voice, of which she is a Trustee and the CRUK Scotland Centre where she is joint chair of the PPI Steering Group. Elspeth is a co-applicant in respect of many clinical trials and research projects and is active in organizing and encouraging patient and public involvement in research activity.